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首页 - 师资队伍 - 教职员工 - 细胞与发育生物学教研室 - 正文


来源: 责任编辑: 发布:2015-11-05 点击量:




柳俊  女  中共党员   博士  教授  博士生导师  湖北省名师


1978.03-1981.12  jxf吉祥官方网站农学专业学习,本科毕业,获农学学士学位。

1988.03-12 jxf吉祥官方网站园艺系果树专业进行教学进修。

1998.09-2001.06 jxf吉祥官方网站攻读生物化学与分子生物学专业博士,获理学博士学位。



1982.01-1986.08 湖北恩施南方马铃薯研究中心(原湖北省恩施自治州天池山农科所)从事马铃薯种质资源与育种研究。期间1985在中国科学院植物研究所进行科研进修。

1986.09-1997.01 湖北民族学院园艺系任教,1987年晋升讲师,1994年晋升副教授。1991年至1995年任园艺系副系主任,主管教学与科研工作。主要从事马铃薯耐热资源创制与品种选育;地方特色中药材资源保护技术研究。期间1995年赴英国伦敦大学从事植物细胞工程相关的合作研究。

1997.02-现在 jxf吉祥官方网站任教。2001年晋升教授,2005-2010年担任生物学系主任,2006年起任生科院生物学实验教学中心主任(中心2007年被评为国家级示范中心)。









1. Zhou J, Fang H, Shan J, Gao X, Chen L, Xie C, Xie T, Liu J. A major QTL located on chromosome V associates with in vitro tuberization in a tetraploid potato population. Mol Genet Genomics. 2014, 289:575-587(通讯作者)

2. Ou Y, Liu X, Xie C,Zhang H, Lin Y, Li M, Song B, Liu J. Genome-Wide Identification of microRNAs and Their Targets in Cold-Stored Potato Tubers by Deep Sequencing and Degradome Analysis. Plant Mol Biol Rep. 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11105-014-0771-8(通讯作者)

3. Yu Y, Ye W, He L, Cai X, Liu T, Liu J. Introgression of bacterial wilt resistance from eggplant to potato via protoplast fusion and genome components of the hybrids. Plant Cell Repots. 2013, 32:1687–1701(通讯作者)

4. Ou Y, Song B, Liu X, Lin Y, Zhang H, Li M, Fang H, Liu J. Profiling of StvacINV1 Expression in relation to acid invertase activity and sugar accumulation in potato cold-stored tubers. Potato Research. 2013, 56:157–165(通讯作者)

5. Chen L, Guo X, Xie C, He L, Cai X, Tian L, Song B, Liu J. Nuclear and cytoplasmic genome components of Solanum tuberosum + S. chacoense somatic hybrids and three SSR alleles related to bacterial wilt resistance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2013, 126:1661-1872(通讯作者)

6. Ou Y, Song B, Liu X, Xie C, Li M, Lin Y, Zhang H, Liu J. Promoter regions of potato vacuolar invertase gene in response to sugars and hormones, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2013, 69:9-16(通讯作者)

7. Li M, Wang X, Cao Y, Liu X., Lin Y, Ou Y, Zhang H, Liu J. Strength comparison between cold-inducible promoters of Arabidopsis cor15a and cor15b genes in potato and tobacco. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 71:77 - 86(通讯作者)

8. Li M, Song B, Zhang Q, Liu X, Lin Y, Ou Y, Zhang H, Liu J. A synthetic tuber-specific and cold-induced promoter is applicable in controlling potato cold-induced sweetening. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2013, 67:41-47(通讯作者)

9. Shan J W, Song W, Zhou J, Wang X H, Xie C H, Gao X X, Xie T T, Liu J. Transcriptome analysis reveals novel genes potentially involved in photoperiodic tuberization in potato. Genomics. 2013,102:388-396(通讯作者)

10. Liu X, Zhang C, Ou YB, Lin Y, Song BT, Xie C, Liu J, Li XQ. Systematic analysis of potato acid invertase genes reveals that a cold-responsive member, StvacINV1, regulates cold-induced sweetening of tubers. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, (2011) 286:109–118(通讯作者)

11. Liu X, Song BT, Zhang H, Li XQ, Xie C, Liu J. Cloning and molecular characterization of putative invertase inhibitor genes and their possible contributions to cold-induced sweetening of potato tubers. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2010, 284:147–159(通讯作者)

12. Guo X, Xie C, Cai X, Song B, He L, Liu J. Meiotic behavior of pollen mother cells in relation to ploidy level of somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum and S. chacoense. Plant Cell Reports. 2010,29:1277–1285(通讯作者)

13. Li XW, Feng ZG, Yang HM, Zhu XP, Liu J* and Yuan HY. A novel cold-regulated gene from Camellia sinensis, CsCOR1, enhances salt- and dehydration-tolerance in tobacco. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010, 394 (2): 354-359. (共同通讯作者)

14. Zhu Q, Song BT, Zhang C, Ou YB, Xie CH and Liu L. Construction and functional characteristics of tuber-specific and cold-inducible chimeric promoters in potato. Plant Cell Report. 2008, 27: 47-55(通讯作者)

15. Liu J. and Xie CH. Correlation of cell division and cell expansion to potato microtuber growth in vitro. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture. 2001, 67: 159-164.(第一作者)


1. 柳俊,谢从华.一种高效生产马铃薯试管薯的方法及其培养盒。2005.4.20,中国发明专利,ZL 02 1 311 25.0。

2. 柳俊,李萌,朱青,谢从华,宋波涛. 一种同时具有低温诱导活性和马铃薯块茎特异表达活性的融合启动子pCLdb及其构建方法。2015.4.22,中国发明专利,ZL 2013 1 0273659.X。

3. 柳俊,樊荣,谢从华,宋波涛,蔡兴奎.一种试管薯的贮藏方法。2016.8.30,中国发明专利,ZL 2015 1 0272834.2。


1997 马铃薯试管块茎生产及脱毒种薯快繁技术研究获湖北省科技进步二等奖(排名第二)。

2005 高海拔地区蔬菜产业模式建立及推广获湖北省科技成果推广三等奖(排名第二)



2005 主讲的“细胞工程”课程被评为国家精品课程。2012年作为国家高等教育资源共享课。

2009 理农结合 科教融合 培养生物学创新人才 获湖北省高校教学成果一等奖(排名第4)

2009 系统构建实验教学平台,探索多元化实践育人模式 获国家高校教学成果一等奖(排名3)

2009理农结合 科教融合 培养生物学创新人才 获国家高校教学成果二等奖(排名第4)

















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